A hesitation because you are on a diet, but like snacking? Diet means not eating so much or pumping yourself with a favorite drug, you know! You can still snack, it is just that you need wisdom in choosing the type of food and managing portions. Healthy foods for diabetics, Snacks can be an emergency energy backup before big meals arrive. You can choose healthy foods that will not make you hungry during meals, which can make you overeat. In addition, healthy foods will also keep your body’s metabolism from burning fat. What is the food for a food that can be enjoyed while reducing appetite?
Snake for a healthy diet but what is still delicious?
Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for healthy foods.
Greek yogurt with extra blueberries and honey
When you read the word ‘yogurt’, what is on your mind is the sweet and whimsical mixture with the fresh taste flowing in the scent on the tongue. Yes, sweet snacks, juicy, this really feels like a polite tongue. You don’t have to worry while eating yogurt. A combination of fiber, healthy fats, and protein every 3 pm can beat your appetite.
According to a study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition on the American website Nutrition, the content of vitamin C in blueberries helps burn fat in your body. healthy foods for diabetics Serve it with a glass of Greek yogurt your favorite raspberry or fruit and add half a tablespoon of honey.
An apple and nonfat milk
Apples are a healthy food choice and safe for food, because apples are low in calories, free of fat or cholesterol. Instead, apples are high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants.
Milk is rich in protein as an apple companion. Compared to fast lost carbohydrates, protein helps your body maintain energy levels and helps your body reduce appetite for a few hours.
You can choose one fruit and one diet that contains protein, such as apples and nonfat milk. Both foods can give you 10 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 200 calories.
Avocados and cheese
If you want a rich snack, like butter, and delicious, Healthy foods for diabetics you can rely on avocados. Here’s how you can try eating avocados: Divide avocados into two medium-sized sizes and remove the seeds. Wet the cheese on top to fill the basin. This healthy snack can provide 200 calories, 9 grams of protein, and 7 grams of fiber.
Oatmeal and blueberries
Oatmeal is not only eaten for breakfast, but good food is eaten at any time. In addition to being rich in fiber, eating oatmeal can help control your blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, blueberries can no longer add sweetness without sugar. The content of vitamin C in blueberries is good for maintaining your immunity in your diet. Try instant oatmeal without the odor with a fungus of blueberries on top.
Canned tuna and nuts are whole wheat
If you don’t want milk on a snack menu for your diet, canned tuna can be a staple for getting protein and omega-3s. To get 200 calories, you can enjoy 85 grams of tuna and 6 nuts whole wheat, the amount you get is 3 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein.
Shellfish and shrimp cannot be considered to be included in the diet or meals. The good news is, you can try this delicious food by adding Greek yogurt and avocados, Healthy foods for diabetics source of protein which you can get 9 grams and 4 grams of fiber on each dish.
Learn Miso Spices
Tofu is a high-protein food, about 12 grams per portion, which you can easily get.
Meanwhile, miso is a Japanese food made from a mixture of both ingredients by adding frozen soybean stew, rice or a small amount of salt. Tofu is made from soybeans. Not surprisingly, this menu has a lot of fiber but the calories in it are only 164 grams.
Bananas with peanut butter
You can spread one tablespoon of peanut butter from a banana. According to a 2013 quote from the British Journal of Nutrition Studies Health website, the diet for this diet is effective in keeping your appetite throughout the day.
Sources of carbohydrates from bananas can boost your energy, but the protein content of peanut butter can keep energy sustainable for the next few hours. But remember, always choose sugar-free peanut butter, huh.